How to Curl Your Hair Correctly with Curling Iron

Author:nface | TIME:May 24,2019

Having beautiful curls gives your hair movement and texture and it'll help your braids look prettier, thus making you look more confident. The curls in your hair can make those rushed morning styles look fabulous. CURLS ARE EVERYTHING!  So today, we are going to show you how to curl hair with a curling iron.

how to curl hair

How to curl hair with a curling iron?

Of course, firstly you need a curling iron.  There are a lot of options out there on the market. So which to choose? You need to take the followings into consideration while buying the best curling iron.


How much you would be willing to pay for the curling iron largely decides the quality and features of it. Set your budget so you can narrow down the options and get what you need quickly.

Size Barrel

There are three standard sizes among curling irons:  32mm barrel,  25mm barrel and  19mm barrel.  If you are not sure which size to take, just get all of them so you can have get different looks!  The 32mm barrel is perfect for long or medium length hair and it can help you create big loose or voluminous curls. The 25mm is the most versatile size and works for all hair lengths. The 19mm can give you a cute look on short hair. 


A curling iron can be made of different materials such as titanium, tourmaline and ceramic. Though titanium is more expensive metal, most people would like to choose it because it's ideal for all hair types and texture. And titanium is able to stand higher temperature - so it guarantees you safety while curling your hair. 

And here is how to curl your hair: 

1. Gather a 1″ section of hair

This section shouldn't be too big or the curl isn't going to be uniform.  If you want larger waves, use a larger barrel.  Don't use a smaller barrel and take larger sections because you're going to get inconsistent curls that will fall out throughout the day and no one wants that!  

2. Pinch the hair a couple inches down from the scalp

3. Wrap the hair around the barrel maintaining the pinch in the hair 

You're going to bring your iron up and over so that the barrel is facing down.  This is very important and learning to hold your iron this way will make things easier down the road when I teach you different curling techniques!  You’re going to maintain that pinch in the hair while you're wrapping the iron away from your face.  I don't typically alternate curls but a lot of people like to do it that way!  My only suggestion is to make sure all the sections near your face are being curled away fro you face.

4. Leave the last inch off the barrel

I like to leave the last inch of hair off the barrel because it gives a more effortless and lived in look.  It will also help the waves lay nicely on your shoulder.   

Four different looks with a wand:

When you've reached this point there are three ways to drop the curl and whichever one you choose will determine the curl you’re going to get.

1. Tilt the iron and let go of the curl

Simply tilt the iron so the barrel drops and simply let go of the curl.  This will give you the most neutral curl, not too tight, not too lose!

2. Tilt the iron and let the curl coil in your palm

The second way is tilting the iron and letting the curl coil up in your palm.  You're going to let that curl sit there for a few seconds until it’s no longer hot.  What we're doing here is setting the curl.  I like to do this with the 32mm barrel because it takes those large waves and sets in the curl pattern so they don't loosen and relax too quickly!

3. Immediately stretch the curl to loosen it up

The third way is tilting the iron so that the curl begins to fall off the iron but then you’re going to take the ends where you are holding and stretch the curl out.  This is going to break up that curl pattern a bit and make your curl much looser.  I like to do this with the 25mm and 19mm!

There are so many ways to curl your hair with a curling wand — you can achieve whatever look and style you're wanting!  Did you know you can even get a curling iron look with a wand?

4. Curling iron curl using a curling wand

Instead of pinching the hair and wrapping it around the barrel, you're going to flatten the hair in-between your fingers so that it's laying flat against the barrel as you're wrapping it.  

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